Contact & ConsultationGeneral Info: CURRENTLY (February, 2008) I AM DOING MOST ANIMAL CONSULTATIONS AND A LIMITED NUMBER OF HUMAN CONSULTATIONS BY PHONE, ONLY. THIS USUALLY WORKS FINE, DEPENDING ON THE CONDITION. IF IT IS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY THAT I SEE YOUR ANIMAL COMPANION IN PERSON (certain skin and neurological conditions), AND YOU ARE LOCAL, WE WILL ARRANGE TO MEET IN PERSON. Otherwise, I have treated some of my most successful cases with phone consultation only. My office hours are Monday through Saturday, 10 AM to 4:30 PM. If you would like an information packet sent to you with further details about my work or homeopathy and flower essences in general, please either email me or call my office at 949-366-6818. Be sure to leave the correct spelling of your name, and your address. If you would like to schedule an appt., please call the office number and state so in your message. I respond to all calls and emails within 24 to 48 hours. If for some reason you do not get a response either by email or phone, please kindly call the office number again. Office phone number: 949-366- 6818 Office fax number: 949-361-6630
Human Consultations: ![]() Depending on whether we are working with either Flower Essences and/or Homeopathy, the INITIAL consult will be between 30 to 90 minutes. If you are coming to me for primarily Flower Essence work, or certain types of homeopathic and nutritional work, this can all be done by phone. If it is something I feel cannot be done by phone, I will refer you to another practitioner. Follow-up consultations can always be done by phone.
Animal Consultations:As previously stated, many of my animal consultations are done by phone., and I have many long-distance animal patients. Once again, the reason for this is that many of the observations necessary for homeopathic treatment do not show up in the office, especially info needed about thirst, appetite, behavior, knowing what makes the physical ailment better (movement? rest? cold weather? sleep?), or knowing what makes the physical condition worse. These are things that can only be observed by the pet owner at home. And, unfortunately, our animal companions usually act different in a strange place and do not divulge much of the information that I need. Certain conditions I would like to see in my office: skin, neurological, certain respiratory conditions. Other cases can be handled by phone, unless you are local and would like to meet me in person. Behavioral problems that require Flower Essence or Homeopathic treatment, can always be done by phone.
PLEASE NOTE: When working with animals and flower essences, as with people, every case or situation is unique and the essences prescribed are highly individualized. I cannot recommend essences through a brief email correspondence. However, essence consultations are very affordable.
Payment for Services: I do NOT accept credit card payments. For phone consultations: Payment is due within two weeks of our consult time, by mail (check only). A late payment fee will apply to all balance that are over 30 days. FINALLY. . . IN OUR WORK TOGETHER, IT IS MY GREATEST HOPE THAT YOU WILL NOT ONLY EXPERIENCE IMPROVEMENT IN YOUR PHYSICAL AND EMOTIONAL WELL BEING, BUT THAT YOU LEARN WAYS TO MAINTAIN YOUR HEALTH. IT IS MY MISSION TO EDUCATE MY PATIENTS ABOUT PREVENTATIVE CARE AND HOW TO MAKE WISE MEDICAL CHOICES, WHETHER THEY BE ALLOPATHIC OR HOLISTIC.