WELCOME TO MY WEBSITE AND MY PRACTICE!As you browse through these pages, you will not only learn about my holistic health consultations, but also about two time-tested, established forms of healing: Homeopathy and Flower Essence Therapy.My Background: I have been involved with holistic medicine since 1988, when I developed life-threatening and chronic health problems. Traditional western (allopathic) medicine had little to offer and sent me home to suffer indefinitely. Refusing to accept this, I began receiving acupuncture and herbal treatments, as well as nutritional supplements. I also received much help from homeopathy. My real interest in homeopathy began when I was the Medical Director at the Evanston Animal Shelter in Illinois. I started using homeopathy on some "hopelessly" ill animals and saw amazing results. After moving to California, I began studying and earned my degree from the British Institute of Homeopathy. I also completed the practitioner training from the Nelson Bach Foundation in Flower Essence Therapy. (I am registered as a Bach Flower Essence Practitioner -- BFRP-- on their international registry). Though I am not a licensed medical doctor, I have completed classes in anatomy, physiology and pharmacology. I have also pursued further homeopathic training, by attending numerous seminars and classes. Further training was also obtained by working at various veterinary offices. I am a member of the National Center for Homeopathy, the Homeopathic Academy of Naturopathic Physicians and the Flower Essence Society. ![]() In my work with humans, much of my focus and training for physical conditions has been centered around immune problems such as CFIDS , auto-immune and allergies . I have also successfully treated conditions such as hormonal imbalances, menopausal symptoms, digestive problems, skin conditions, arthritis, eye conditions, post trauma/surgical problems, and vaccine related problems. I have also greatly helped those stricken with Lyme\'s disease (with Homeopathy it is very treatable!) Pediatrics are a big part of my practice and I treat a wide range of problems, including behavioral problems and learning disorders (ADD, ADHD). If you are coming to see me for physical problems, it is important that you have been seen by a licensed medical doctor and have some sort of diagnosis. I do not have the abilities or facilities to make such a diagnosis. However, I will want to see any pertinent lab work or reports of MRIs , CT scans, etc. Testimonial
"Fourteen months ago I was diagnosed with Epstein Barr Virus and CFIDS. I had such severe fatigue that some days I was unable to care for my 2
young children. My doctors told me there was no treatment and that maybe in 2 to 3 years, I would feel a bit better. I was offered antidepressants and told to take frequent naps. I mentioned my situation to a friend and she recommended Kim. I must be honest, I was beyond skeptical. The only vitamins I had ever taken were pre-natal; my basic philosophy on any illness, was "give me a drug to make it better".. But this time there was no magic drug to help, so I turned to Kim. At our first meeting, Kim spent more time and asked more questions than every physician. I had ever seen . . combined. I told her about my asthma and irritable bowel syndrome, that had existed for years before I developed the CFIDS. (I used to be afraid to leave the house without a bottle of
Imodium in my purse!) In only 10 months of homeopathic treatment with Kim, the IBS and asthma were gone and the treatment for the fatigue has been monumental. I am now able to function as a normal mother and enjoy my daily life! I have at times forgotten that my CFIDS exists; when I have had a few minor relapses, Kim is always there to help. Kim's personal approach and level of caring is nothing short of amazing . Her level of professionalism combined with compassion and understanding, has gotten me through some of the most difficult times of my life. I credit Kim with being able to live a normal life."
L.M.F., Laguna Niguel, CA